
We offer flexible options, which you can adapt to the different needs of each project.
Pricing is based on lines of code (LoC). Smaller projects are in the range of ~1000 LoC, while larger Projects can contain up to 10.000 LoC. GoatSwitch can migrate up to 10.000 LoC in one go, projects larger than that need to be migrated step-by-step.
For large codebases we recommend a migration analysis beforehand, it’s a good way to get an overview of what you can gain by migrating and how much effort that is going to take.


€0,1 / LoC

Smaller .Net projects with few dependencies


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Large .Net codebases with complicated dependencies

Custom environment setup

Migration Analysis


Detailed migration analysis of your codebase. Recommended for larger migration projects.

  • Step-by-step migration plan
  • Performance gain analysis
  • Dependency overview with replacement recommendations